I’m not sure the correct term I should use for this post. “Difficult” sounds rude, “High-Needs” sounds prissy. “Grumpy, Clingy, screaming, Attention-mongers” doesn’t fit on a business card.
I’m sure if you’ve hung around these parts much, you’ve deduced that I feel my kids fit in the aforementioned categories. I love them to pieces, but they are not the easy-going tots that pregnant women hope for.
At least, I think they aren’t. But then again, there’s always the possibility that it’s me, and not them.
What if my life is a self-fulfilling prophecy? What if I, in my cranky sarcastic manner, have pushed my children into being clingy, whiny, wretched sleepers? That is currently what is keeping me up at night.
And I’m not sure how to figure out the true roots of this situation. I guess I’ll just have to wait until Kid 3 makes an appearance in the family (which may take 10 years in order for me to retain a small portion of sanity). If Numero 3, falls into the descriptions above then I think that will be my proof . . . and a sign that I need to close the fertility gates and try to salvage what I’ve done to the ones I’ve got.
I often times wonder if my oddities are rubbing off on my kids as well. As a result I try to not let my OCD show too much.
Don't know if you saw this when you visited my blog, but I wrote a book a few years ago called, Confessions of an Irritable Mother. It's all about my understanding that God is using my children and my struggles as a mother to make me into the woman He wants me to be. I finally understood - it isn't my children who make me irritable. God uses them to reveal that I am that way. And He's using my struggles to refine me.
So, truly, It's not them, it's me!
But now I have HOPE in the midst of it all. *sigh*
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